Brother Charger 622 Manual Lymphatic Drainage

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I realize I haven't been blogging lately. The last bit of Xeloda round 9 really got to my hands and feet. For round 10 I reduced the dose again, but my hands have still not completely recovered. The skin on the tips of my finger is peeling and has little sensation or pain, depending on what I'm trying to do. For instance, for about a week I couldn't turn on a lamp because holding the switch to turn it was so painful. Rik had to cook for a couple of days too, when I found it painful to hold a knife.

Brother Charger 622 Manual Lymphatic Drainage Machine

Fatigue played a role too, and I had a couple of days of diarrhea. Last week we had painters in the house to fix the bedroom ceiling where water had leaked. We had the roof re-done during the summer, but the painter wasn't available until now. So every day I woke up when Rik left the house, about 6:45 AM, which is very tough on me.