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Autek Research Qf-1a
By Steven Greenyer Early this year I emailed MJF Enterprises to inquire if they made an antenna analyser that operated at MW frequencies, the answer was no. By chance Jim Searle from Dunedin visited an Oamaru Branch meeting at Waianakarua and had with him an Autek antenna analyser that was designed primarily for the ham bands. A quick check of the Autek web site on my return home showed they manufacture an analyser that covered from MW through SW. Availability was either through Autek in the States at around $NZ300 or via their Australian agent, at $NZ400, mine arrived in five days from Florida by insured airmail. There’s an old saying that you have to be mad to be a Dxer and paying $300 for a cigarette packet sized box with a few switches confirms that in my case. However if you are interested in the technical side of Dxing and antennas in particular, receiving this little box is just about as good as a new radio. For the non-technical here is a brief explanation of what this antenna analyser is and does. In the old days and probably still today, Hams used devices such as grid dip meters, power meters and swr meters to test and adjust antennas to best match their transmitters to their antennas.