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Carson Charbonneau The Jeffy Show


Over the course of this section, Susan runs me through a comprehensive examination of the topic complete with interactive exercises that address every angle and minute detail of what goes into having a powerful voice. In turn, I bring my own experience to the table as we discuss the ramifications each new discovery has for pickup, and share that with a live audience, bringing folks up to run them through each exercise until weve addressed their internal issues. You see it all happen live and youre right there with us. PART II:THE GRAMMAR OF STORYTELLING The ability to weave a compelling tale out of seemingly NOTHING is one of the most powerful tools I have in my arsenal when Im picking up women. You might have heard this described as the Million Dollar Mouthpiece; the ability to just talk talk talk and never run out of interesting things to say. If you struggle with this, its because youre looking at things the WRONG WAY.