How To Install Efashion Universe Definition Statistics

The above diagram shows the eFashion universe, which is the universe used throughout these lessons to build queries and create Web Intelligence documents. Classes are logical groupings of objects and they are indicated by the folder icon. Object are elements that map to a set of data in a relational database, but using business terms.

BOB: Business Objects Board BOB's Downloads - XIR2 - Retrieve Report Statistics Macro alpha1145 - Tue Dec 30, 2008 12:33 pm Post subject: XIR2 - Retrieve Report Statistics Macro Author: Jim McGregor, Author notes: Quote: I wrote this macro to be able to retrieve the number of instances per report so that I could review the folder limits that are in place and make appropriate adjustments in order to better manage the disk space being used by the file store. This program is an Excel macro that will extract a list of all Crystal, Webi and Deski reports in the repository and provide some stats about each report: Name, update date, create date, folder path, number of instances, number of recurring instances and avg runtime. Ufo capture v2 keygenguru. Credits: - Julien Bras - I used Julien's code from the 'BOXI UserList & Group Extraction' as a base for this macro. - jrennatc from the Tek-Tips forum - I used jrennatc's code to get the number of instances, recurring instances and avg runtime. Platform: Microsoft Excel 2003 / XIR2 SP4 Version: 1.0 (See version 1.1 ) Code: Code: Rather than post the code verbatim, here is an overview of the logic: 1. Connect to the CMS (Thanks Julien!) 2.

First Loop - Loop through the three types of reports: Crystal, Webi, Deski 2. Second Loop - Extract the list of reports. Third Loop - Count up the number of instances and calculate the avg runtime. MichaelWelter - Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:47 pm Post subject: Re: XIR2 - Retrieve Report Statistics Macro Added to BOB's Downloads. Updated alpha listing. Thanks for sharing, Jim. Aniketp - Tue Jan 13, 2009 8:44 am Post subject: Re: XIR2 - Retrieve Report Statistics Macro Suppose I don't have BO client or server installed on my machine.