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Steve Blum Born: April 28, 1960 Voiced: 2000-2008 (Original Run), 2012-Present (Revived ) Steve Blum is an American voice actor, well known for providing the voice of from the original block,. Among his credits include the voice of Spike Spiegel in the anime series and Mugen in. You are my all in all chords pdf converter online. He also voiced Roger Smith from, Orochimaru and Zabuza in the anime, and X-Men's Wolverine in numerous incarnations. In September 2000, Blum began voicing the role of TOM (replacing ), as the second through 4th incarnations of the character right up to the block's cancellation on September 20, 2008 delivering the final lines uttered on the block, with the final 'Bang', echoing his role from Cowboy Bebop's Spike Spiegel. On April 1, 2012, Blum returned to portray TOM for the Adult Swim Toonami April Fools Joke and on May 26, 2012 Toonami was brought back to life, now on Adult Swim, with Blum continuing to provide the voice of TOM.

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