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Pasando al disco A Fine Day To Exit (2001) se escucha un Anathema mucho mas progresivo, mas melodico (con Vincent Cavanagh como frontman de la banda desde Silent Enigma) asi pasando a A Natural Disaster (2004), We're Here Because We're Here (2010) (mi disco favorito) Falling Deeper (2011 y disco de versiones orquestadas de canciones antiguas de. Falling deeper anathema. Falling Deeper is an album of orchestral re-interpretations from British atmospheric rock band Anathema released on 5 September 2011. The album is a follow-up to 2008's Hindsight, for which the band recorded different versions of their past songs. In this sense, Falling Deeper is a reimagining of Anathema prior to 1996, and a damned good one. Intense dirges that once fumed with hatred, loathing, regret, and sadness have been aged, the conflicts becoming memorial fragments, now swimming in a wistful reminiscence.