Urban Chaos Ps2 Rapidshare Premium

I always loved this game. Take on the role of Officer Darcy in a series of increasingly bizarre and paranormal missions across a sinister cityscape! The main draw for me in this game is the atmosphere - it's quite unlike anything I've ever played. You can zipline from roof to roof, climb up to ridiculous heights, take down and handcuff perps, and it's all done with the strangest, darkest atmosphere this side of Silent Hill (although nothing like that game).

Definitely worth a try, although not to everyone's liking. A sequel of sorts, in name only, was released on the Xbox; a sort of first person affair where you have a riot shield.

The fact that Urban Chaos is an enjoyable third-person action game with no switch flipping, box pushing, or key finding should be reason enough for you to purchase it. Mucky Foot Productions' Urban Chaos is an attempt to meld a side-scrolling arcade beat-'em-up such as Double Dragon or Final Fight with a modern third-person action game.

It had nothing to do with this game. You also get to control Roper, a guy on the edge in the hunt through the city!

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Urban Chaos Pc Download

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