Yrdsb Gifted Program Testing
System-wide screening for the identification of Gifted YRDSB students takes place each year in late November to early December. T his screening involves a two stage process: Stage One involves the administration of a group test of cognitive abilities, the Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test (CCAT) to all grade three students. How to Prepare Your Child for Gifted Testing - Study Tips & Strategies. Preparing for Gifted Testing with TPO. From entrance exams into gifted programs, to assessment tests, and graduate assessment and placement tests, TestPrep-Online can help you prepare and pass. Ten Regional Gifted Centers are housed in neighborhood schools (Beaubien, Bell. A regular education program and the Regional Gifted Center program. One Regional Gifted Center is housed in a magnet school – in this case, the school has two separate programs, a magnet. Admission testing is required.
Gifted Program

Gifted Program Testing
Toronto dad Taras Slawnych recalls the first time someone suggested that his son Fox was perhaps brighter than average. It was at a store that had a bead maze. “One of the sales clerks, who was studying early childhood education, noticed that Fox, then about two, was using two hands to play with the toy: one hand to grab the bead and the second to finish the loop. She said he was multi-tasking, processing two things at once, which was unusual for his age.” looking for signs All parents want to believe their child is smart, but is he really exceptional? “Parents are very good at identifying if their children are gifted. They notice their differences from other children usually at a young age,” notes Melinda Meszaros, president of the Gifted Children’s Association of British Columbia and mom of a gifted 12-year-old boy. At the elementary level, signs that your child may be developmentally advanced include an extensive vocabulary; skills in math and reading that are above his grade level (which can result in complaints that school is easy or boring); keen observation and an intense desire to know “why” about everything; periods of intense concentration, often on one topic; an amazing memory; and the desire to interact with older children and adults with similar interests.