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Latest News • Computerworld Google has been ordered to pay a $5.05 billion fine and stop forcing Android smartphone makers to install its search engine and browser on their phones. That decision was handed down by the European Union's antitrust authority on Wednesday. Bloomberg CNBC Google Blog • Search Engine Journal Download SEJ's guide, PPC 101: A Complete Guide to Pay-Per-Click Marketing Basics, to learn the best practices in PPC keywords, ad copywriting, ad targeting, and so much more! Facebook Ads Manager now offers the following creative tools. • Search Engine Journal Most website platforms have this built in or have plugins/add-ons that will create a dynamic sitemap that stays in sync with the pages on your site. At worst, you should at least have a static one that you can generate through a number of free tools. • Search Engine Journal.

Stencils Stalking • Search Engine Journal We've had to drop the public submission feature, but we continue to welcome your submissions using the usual tool in Search Console and through sitemaps directly.